What is functional coffee?

First off, let’s unpack what we mean when we say “Functional Coffee”. This is coffee that functions better than your standard coffee, so that you can, well, function better.

How? In a general sense, functional coffee is coffee infused with superfoods to help you function better, as opposed to just caffeinating you like a standard coffee. Flow State, however, is Functional Coffee, but better! Our coffee is not only blended with superfoods, we have also hand-selected the ultimate performance-boosting Nootropics, and added them to create the most powerful, high- performance, Functional Coffee available.

We started with the very finest Colombian Arabica Coffee, because a delicious, soul-embracing, authentic coffee taste was an absolute non-negotiable at Flow State HQ. We use single-origin coffee beans sourced from Colombia (the capital of great coffee), and all other ingredients are sourced right here in Australia.

What is the Functional Coffee experience like?

Imagine the best coffee you’ve ever had, add a subtle hint of coconut flavour, a whole lot of brain power and motivation to get sh*t done!
Add in a blissful feeling of coffee-induced euphoria and that pretty much sums it up. It is coffee designed to help you function at your best. Every. Single. Time. As if coffee couldn’t get any better, right?

Functional Coffee, is a game-changer for lovers of all things health, fitness and productivity.

Flow State Coffee not only assists with cognition and brain-function, memory and stress-relief, but it contains powerful ingredients to help with physical performance also. Whether you enjoy a cup before that big meeting, an important exam, a huge day of work, pre-gym or just before heading to a social event, any time is a great time to function better! Functional Coffee is a must-have for anyone looking to get more out of their day, and it all starts with getting more out of your coffee.